# | Title | Publish Date | Attachments |
1 | APA-2022-23 | 25-06-2024 | |
2 | Heat | 16-04-2023 | |
3 | Venami | 09-04-2023 | |
4 | Ilish | 26-09-2022 | |
5 | Ban time in the sea | 17-05-2022 | |
6 | APA Trimonthly Report | 05-10-2021 | |
7 | Annual performance Agreement Between Zilla Fisheries office Bagerhat and Senior upazila fisheries office Rampal | 22-06-2021 | |
8 | Annual performance Agreement Between Zilla Fisheries office Bagerhat and Senior upazila fisheries office Rampal | 22-06-2021 | |
9 | Tree Quaterly Report on APA- January, February,March | 05-04-2021 | |
10 | Annual Performance Agreement 2020-2021 | 01-06-2020 | |
11 | 08-09-2019 Monthly Meeting on LEAF | 05-09-2019 | |
12 | সঠিক পদ্ধতিতে ঘের ব্যবস্থাপনা ও বাগদা চিংড়ির ভারাস প্রতিরোধে করনীয় বিষয়ে উপজেলা মৎস্য অফিসে চিংড়ি চাষীদের সাথে মতবিনিময় | 01-07-2019 | |
13 | Information and service are being provided through National Web Portal. Collect your information and take service from the portal. | 11-12-2017 |
Planning and Implementation: Cabinet Division, A2I, BCC, DoICT and BASIS